Peppermint in spanish
Peppermint in spanish

Some help to relieve flatulence and act carminative, others have a laxative effect and regulate bowel movements, and others help to stop diarrhea, relieve heartburn or nausea. There are plenty of herbs for better digestion. ( countable) A confection containing extract of peppermint. When they appear, let's use herbs that support digestion - their help can be invaluable. 'peppermint' in English - Spanish dictionary menta noun feminine Planta medicinal y especia del gnero Mentha que es un cruce entre la menta acutica (Mentha aquatica) y la hierbabuena (Mentha spicata). peppermint ( countable and uncountable, plural peppermints ) A hybrid herb of the mint family ( Mentha × piperita ), formed by crossing watermint and spearmint, which has a high menthol content and a sharp flavor and is used in cooking, especially in herb teas and in confections. The best way to deal with digestive ailments is to prevent them, but it is known that this is not always possible.

peppermint in spanish

The most common of these are abdominal pain, feeling full, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhoea, heartburn, belching, nausea and vomiting.

peppermint in spanish

Gastrointestinal complaints are a common problem that can happen to anyone.

Peppermint in spanish